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【3M】Ultra Clean 超濾淨空氣清淨機-16坪(大坪數專用)
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網頁設計丙級檢定學術科解題實作:Dreamweaver+Photoshop CC(第二版)(附DVD)
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SOEZ2u多媒體學園--突破Word 2007(無書,1DVD+操作手冊+回函卡)
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Service Quality in Leisure and Tourism
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Cruising - Guide to Cruise Lines Industry, 2-e
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Basic Communication Theory
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計算機概論(第四版)(Office 2010適用)(附範例光碟)
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Romeo and Juliet:Timeless Shakespeare 2 (25K彩色+1MP3)
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翻轉人生的15堂英語課:英文能力由負轉正,人生就此逆轉勝!(附1MP3+QR Code)
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Backpack (1) 2-e Teacher’s Edition
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Hi!How are you你一定要會的基本問候語(50K附MP3)
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Macmillan(Elementary)- Unquiet Graves
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PM Writing 2 Green-Orange 14-15 A School Concert
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五十音原來如此簡單(附「五十音」暨日文單字MP3 )
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