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The JINTIAN [今天] series of contemporary literature features new and innovative writing from mainland China and abroad. Titles in the series are edited by Bei Dao, Lydia H. Liu, and Christopher Mattison.

A collaborative venture between Zephyr Press, the Jintian Literary Foundation, and The Chinese University Press, each bilingual title highlights the ever-changing literary culture of China while simultaneously expanding the English language with a wave of new voices in translation.


Ouyang Jianghe played a central role in the 1980s underground Sichuanese poetry scene that gave rise to the Chinese poetic avant-garde, and during that time he became known as one of the 'Five Masters from Sichuan.' Since then he has emerged as one of China''s most prominent literary figures, authoring four books of poetry and essays and publishing numerous works of criticism on art, music, and literature. He is also a noted calligrapher. In 2010 he was awarded the Chinese Literature Media Award for poetry. He lives in Beijing and travels frequently to the U.S. and Germany. Doubled Shadows is his first poetry collection in English.

Austin Woerner, a translator of contemporary Chinese poetry and fiction, has published translations in Poetry, Kenyon Review Online, Zoland Poetry, and elsewhere. The recipient of fellowships from the Vermont Studio Center and the UC Riverside Department of Comparative Literature, he holds a degree in East Asian Studies from Yale University and lives in New York City.

  • 出版社:香港中文大學


  • 出版日期:2012/03/01
  • 語言:簡體中文

商品網址: 重影 (簡體中英對照)




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